Pitch Day Aga Khan Foundation

The intensive training for Holiday Camp Animators and Local Leaders, organised by Aga Khan Foundation, in partnership with the SCML training centre, ran from 29th April to 30th May at the Casa dos Direitos Sociais in Marvila and had it’s public presentation of their ideas on the 29th June at Studio Eight Lisboa.

The intensive training for Holiday Camp Animators and Local Leaders, organised by Aga Khan Foundation, in partnership with the SCML training centre, ran from 29th April to 30th May at the Casa dos Direitos Sociais in Marvila and had it’s public presentation of their ideas on the 29th June at Studio Eight Lisboa.

The intensive training for Holiday Camp Animators and Local Leaders, organised by Aga Khan Foundation, in partnership with the SCML training centre, ran from 29th April to 30th May at the Casa dos Direitos Sociais in Marvila and had it’s public presentation of their ideas on the 29th June at Studio Eight Lisboa.

The intensive training for Holiday Camp Animators and Local Leaders, organised by Aga Khan Foundation, in partnership with the SCML training centre, ran from 29th April to 30th May at the Casa dos Direitos Sociais in Marvila and had it’s public presentation of their ideas on the 29th June at Studio Eight Lisboa.


The training saw 51 participants enrolled, with 35 completing the programme. These individuals came from various ages and neighbourhoods in and around Marvila, representing diverse cultural backgrounds. The group exemplified plurality, initially feeling unfamiliar but soon forming strong bonds of friendship and connection.

The projects, ranging from intimate health to activities for children with special educational needs, sports, and cultural exchange trips, were the collective efforts of each group, embodying their dreams. The highlight of the programme was the public presentation of their ideas, which took place on 29 June at Studio Eight Lisboa.


  • Improved confidence.

  • Strengthened community bonds and team work.

  • Positive feedback highlighting the enriching experience.

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